Here at the Fourpence we are always being asked how we made this? what we put in that? so we have created this page were we put all your favourite dishes and hopefully they will taste as good as ours.
Our legendary fresh fish chowder.....
Peel a couple of potatoes and place in a pan with enough water to cover them, slowly bring to the boil. now once cooked lightly crush just enough to break them up. next peel and chop an onion and fine slice a leek, add to the pan along with a good measure of double cream, this will help to thicken the soup but add as much or as little as your taste allows, next add the smoked skinless cod or haddock, season well with salt and pepper,
warm the soup up and serve with some warmed bread like we do. hopefully it will taste as good as ours.
At times when we vary the spices by adding Fennel, Star Anise, Shellfish and even replace the potato with a Sweet potato.
If you can resist from finishing the whole pan, with leftover we make a fish pie! or better still make a savoury crumble topping and bake in a gratin dish until the top browns and have fresh veggies with it.
Savoury crumbly topping is a mix of 400gms plain flour, 400gms oats, 400gms cold butter rubbed together in a bowl then you season with SnP add whatever other spice, Chilli, Coriander, Lemon Zest....just to give it extra punch.
Store in a container in the fridge until needed.
Our Lentil and Mushroom bake
this vegetarian bake is by far our most popular dish, healthy, satisfying and wholesome. made in two stages, firstly we peel and grate a few carrots two onions chopped and one leek sliced thinly, Sautee in a pan with olive oil until soft. tip mix into a bowl, now put a two cups of red lentil in the pan, cover with water and bring to a simmer, do not over cook the Lentils, still want them to keep their shape as they will cook further when you put the bake in the oven. once cooked mix into the veg mix and season well. next slice up some mushrooms, as many as you like, cook in olive oil and grate a couple if cloves of garlic once cooked take off the heat and cool slightly. then season and add a couple of spoons of chopped parley or any other herb. now we can assemble the bake. in a gratin dish place a layer of the lentil mix then a layer of the mushroom mix then a layer of the lentil mix tidy up the bake and top with grated cheese, which for us is a mix of half cheddar half mozzarella. bake in a hot oven until the top browns and the bake is piping hot. now with a green salad and warm bread it will satisfy and impress your friend, if any of the mixes are left, just SOUP IT.
Almond cake
In baking, unlike the savoury goodies that we make, measurements are essential to success, and failure is not something we encourage. here our recipe for a moist Almond Cake which is made with no fat but lots of eggs. you will need an cake tin, two 23cm, lined with greaseproof paper, next take four eggs and separate into two bowls, 1/3 cup caster sugar, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence, 1 teaspoon grated orange rind plus 1 extra for the syrop, 1/3 cup orange juice, 1/3 cup flaked almonds and 1/2 cup semolina.
So whisk the egg whites in one bowl to a soft peak then whisk the egg yolks in the other bowl with the sugar, semolina, essence, orange rind and juice then fold in the flaked almonds. carefully fold in the egg whitesand mix well. now pour the mix into the cake tins and top with a few more almonds. bake in the oven at 200cent./400farn. about 20mins. check the take in between for firmness. once cooked remove from oven and let cool for ten mins.. carefully take out of the tins and place on a plate that is a little deeper so when you make the syrup by dissolving1 cup of sugar with 1 cup of boiling water and the orange rind and stirring the mix until the sugar has dissolved you can pour this onto the cake slowly and allow the cake to soak up the syrup and not flow over the plate.
best served on its own with our terrific coffee! WOW.